Celebrating Random Moments

Most professions have a long list of things that make them challenging. For video production, especially when shooting on location, one of those things has to do with environmental elements outside of our control.

It could be a truck pulling up and blocking a sign just as you get ready to roll, an airplane flying overhead when you’re trying to record dialog, or most commonly, it’s a lawn service crew AUTOMATICALLY SHOWING UP WHERE EVER WE GO.

Sometimes it’s just a little thing. And maybe it doesn’t even wreck the shot, but just adds a little flavor.

Like the time when this happened:

Incidentally, we were shooting on a beautiful, American day in (not always sunny) San Francisco with our friends at Macbeth Studio when that happened. The finished video (free of any references to the Academy’s Best Picture pic in 2000) is here:

Stay safe out there. And watch out for landscapers.



Congratulations are in order!


A New Web Site for our 19th Birthday